Our mission and our purpose is to help you take better care of yourself while providing hope and direction for your future. We want to create a community to empower parents to do more for themselves and for their kids.

We encourage all to see the Positive. 

You can look at your life in a positive light and consider what is possible, or you can look at your life in a negative light and be bogged down by despair. We choose positivity. 

Positivity Matters

You can either live in a place of hope, or you can live in a place of fear. You can't do both. 

We have learned that you have to invest in yourself and care for yourself in order to have more to give. We give you permission to take better care of yourself, in order to take better care of those you care for.

We want to help provide an outlook, tools and products to help you provide the best plan for you and your family. 

Our modern world has us at an extremely fast pace. We have a lot of demands on our time. We are kindness cheerleaders. We encourage you to practice kindness with yourself.

Kindness Matters


Choose to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a physical, mental, and emotional healthy lifestyle. Total wellness is all encompassing.

That is why we believe in the Functional Medicine Model. On the Institute of Functional Medicine's website it states:

"Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual."

One of our favorite quotes is:

“There can be no transformation in the world, unless there is transformation from within. It is our responsibility to bring about a radical transformation within ourselves.” 

- Krishnamurti


Pure Living Family is a lifestyle brand. We seek to heal the wounded. Healing can only occur when you acknowledge that there is illness and dysfunction. Healing comes from being in safe spaces. Safe spaces are created from love, fun, and connection. You have to have a safe space to reveal your imperfections and your brokenness. We are a safe space. 

We have immense potential to be good or bad. Selfish or helpful. We have to make the conscious choice to choose the light. 

We seek meditation and clarity to help heal our wounds and find ways to heal others. We are all connected. 

Reaching for your Highest Self

Pure Living Family would like to help you reach your highest self. We want to help you reach your peak performance. 

We know that you are being tested mentally, physically, and emotionally every single day. 

That is why you need to ensure that your body has all of the vitamins and minerals that it needs to operate at peak performance. 

That is why you need to focus on your physical and mental well being by taking time to yourself.

Pure Living Family is focused on helping people to heal from their trauma and help them to stand in themselves with courage and confidence, so that they can better serve the world around them. 

Pure Living Family is a business to empower people to understand their emotions so they know how to better behave.

Pure Living Family is a guide to help you know how to consciously think before you act.

Emotions are human fuel to behavior. 

We need to find ways to maximize our energy levels so that we can be at our best to provide for the beautiful souls that we have been blessed to care for. 

Our supplements are manufactured at FDA inspected facilities with stringent quality control procedures and documentation systems in place to meet the highest industry standards and certifications in the world. These standards and/or certifications may include: NPA ( Natural Products Association), NSA (National Sanitary Foundation), OTC (Over the Counter Drug GMPs) and the requirements of the FDA Dietary Supplement Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). We have worked with a lot of different partners to find products that work for our family and our busy, active lifestyle. We want to be able to share those same products with you.


Live with Passion & Purpose

“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” 

-Brené Brown